My God is ......
My God is vermillion, violet, magenta
Orange, yellow, green, blue, azure.
My God is all colours.
My God is white as the falling snow.

My God is every lovely, perfect fragrance -
Myrrh, frankincense, mint, cinnamon
Jasmine, honeysuckle, baby's breath,
Roses and fennel and saffron
Myrrh, frankincense, mint, cinnamon
Jasmine, honeysuckle, baby's breath,
Roses and fennel and saffron
My God is every brilliant and precious jewel -
Jasper, diamonds, emeralds, lapis lazuli
Garnets, sapphires, rubies, topaz, amethysts
And opals and pearls - sparkling and priceless
My God is each element, the earth, wind and fire
My God is the rain, the rivers, the sea, the stars
The sun, the moon and every grain of sand.
He is the bright morning star
He is the crystal river of life.
Jasper, diamonds, emeralds, lapis lazuli
Garnets, sapphires, rubies, topaz, amethysts
And opals and pearls - sparkling and priceless
My God is each element, the earth, wind and fire
My God is the rain, the rivers, the sea, the stars
The sun, the moon and every grain of sand.
He is the bright morning star
He is the crystal river of life.
My God is the lushest grass
The bluest sky, the highest mountains
The reddest blood, the deepest ocean.
My God is refined gold and lustrous silver.
The strongest iron and the most durable marble.
My God is the vine, the oak tree
The cedar of Lebanon, the ash
The bluest sky, the highest mountains
The reddest blood, the deepest ocean.
My God is refined gold and lustrous silver.
The strongest iron and the most durable marble.
My God is the vine, the oak tree
The cedar of Lebanon, the ash
The palm and acacia
The chestnut, willow and ebony
The chestnut, willow and ebony
The birch and the beech tree
He is the tree of Life
My God is the sweetest fruit
The finest wine
The most spectacular vista
The purest song
The most sumptuous feast
The loveliest flower
My God is the never-ending journey
My God is flesh
My God is spirit
My God is all things
My God is the greatest gift of all gifts.
The finest wine
The most spectacular vista
The purest song
The most sumptuous feast
The loveliest flower
My God is the never-ending journey
My God is flesh
My God is spirit
My God is all things
My God is the greatest gift of all gifts.
Meg Marsden copyright