Thursday, 19 September 2013

Journal 18th February 2011

Friday 18th February 2011 – from my Journal

Often as I sit at my computer I also knit which I do today.   The yarn is beautiful – a mixture of purples and greens and will eventually be a V-neck sweater for me.
I think about my girls – Kate and family are in Mexico on hols for the week.  Sian rang me yesterday and made me laugh as she often does.   Steve’s sister Judy rings and we talk about my father-in-law who is once again in hospital.  It’s his 90th birthday on Sunday and we make plans to take in the cake I’ve made and have some champagne.  I am not much of a baker and so hope that the cake doesn’t “do” for him finally!
I continue with my knitting and start to read another Doris Lessing book – it’s inscribed inside with “Love to mom/Winter ’93/Meike & Philip”  and it was from my brother and his wife and I held on to it when clearing out mum’s flat following her death last year.
At the same time I am listening, with one ear as they say, to Last Word on Radio4 and the first person they discuss is George Shearing who died age 91 this week – blind since birth and a much revered musician and composer.
The next I know is a voice shouting “anyone home” – it’s Steve and he comes in from a days’ golf smelling all outsidey and freshairy.   He’s not played well but seems quite cheerful which is nice.
I hear something of the world news on the radio – protests in Bahrain so I shall go and prep the curry so we can watch Jon Snow on Channel 4 News – the only one we rate – at 7pm.  And maybe later have a glass of red wine, close the curtains, turn up the heat and watch a film.


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Razor Fish

Worm casts, conch shells, seaweed and fishy smells
Salty taste upon my tongue, huge white gull’s discordant song
Oily black, Common Shag,  Mermaids purse, Poly-bag
Razor fish and jelly fish, translucent, wobbly squashy-squish.
Slap of wave, Pepsi-can, at water’s edge, lone fisherman.
October sun, Turner sky, migrating swallows flying high.
A million pebbles, grey, blue and white
Will mermaids dance on them tonight?