It could be the painting in my bathroom
Always hung on mum’s bedroom wall
Evokes such memories – it’s dusky pink frame
It can be something or nothing at all
The Royal Worcester dish used this Christmas Day
She gave me one time as a birthday gift
It could be something, it could be nothing
It could be just as small as this
The echo of some of her sayings
“It looks black over Bill’s mothers”,
“I go to the foot of our stairs”
Make me smile and there’s so many more
Her humour was funny and earthy and raw
The knitted, multi-coloured crochet-edged shawl
A soap on TV, a flowered overall
It can be something, it can be nothing,
It can be anything at all …..
I’m ironing an old lace white hankie
An “M” is stitched into the corner
The m’s not for Meg but for mum – she was Mary
And of some memories I’m cautious,
Of some I am wary
But mostly I’d say time is a healer
And it’s sometimes nothing at all
That prompts a quickening deep inside
When I’m happy to dwell on my memory-time.
Oh Meg. This is so very touching. Wishing you a wonderful New Year.